
“Czerniawski Błaszkowski Drogosiewicz Radcy Prawni Spółka Partnerska,” a law firm based in Gdańsk, provides comprehensive legal services to both businesses and individuals not engaged in business activity.

What we do

We always subject proposed solutions to problems arising in particular areas of law to a thorough assessment in terms of tax consequences.

We provide continuous and ad hoc services to businesses, create and negotiate contracts, and prepare legal opinions and expertise. We represent our clients before courts and public administration bodies and conduct mediation proceedings. The Law Firm’s experienced team of lawyers provides professional assistance and legal advice, also in English.

The partners’ professional experience ensures that our clients receive continuous professional support in the following areas:

  • Economic law
  • Labour law
  • Civil law
  • Tax law – including comprehensive tax optimisation
  • Commercial law – including registration of entities in the National Court Register
  • Administrative law
  • Construction law
  • Antitrust and competition law
  • Protection of consumer interests
  • European Union law
  • Copyright and intellectual property law,
  • Real estate law
  • Bills of exchange law
  • Legal proceedings before civil and administrative courts
  • Comprehensive debt recovery service,
  • Legal audit (Due Diligence)

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